A really old game of mine. It's not much, it's a buggy piece of crap, but it was one of the first big projects I've ever done. It was made on scratch around December 12th, 2023. I have been considering an overhaul of this game with a new engine and better code, but the idea has been on-and-off so unknown if that will ever happen.

How to Play

Hit the little guy (not the dancing one), and, unless you somehow did something wrong, he should scream at you, teleport, and give you a "No Do Bucks" or two. Keep doing that until you have 20-ish No Do Bucks, where you click the weird black thing in the top-left corner where a little shop will pop up. Click the yellow ball, and, for $20 you have your first ball!

The ball should fly around the screen to your character and automatically click for you. If you wait, they should get you enough money to buy another one. Wait again and buy another one and wait again and buy some different ones which will (hopefully) show better results that the Yellow Ball. Do that over and over and over again, and you may notice some lag.

This game is very unoptimized, before long it may start to lag. Don't worry, it's a feature, not a bug :) (it's both). I like to consider this game partly a stress test, how far can you get in the game before it crashes? Let's find out!


Hey No Do That.zip 107 MB

Install instructions

Download ZIP file, extract ZIP file, run .exe

Note: there's a chance that your device may flag it as a virus. The Green Ball is probably plotting something behind my back, I'm sorry.